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Can Anyone Learn to Swing a Golf Club

 Can Anyone Learn to Swing a Golf Club

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Can Anyone Learn to Swing a Golf Club :

Anyone can learn to swing in a club and play golf. Golf is like any other game; it is a compilation of several skill sets. You have to learn how to swing a club, how to move the ball; you have to learn to aim, to move the ball in the right direction; and the object then begins to move the ball skillfully around the hole and finally around the course. The goal of golf is to score as low as possible. This article will deal with swing itself, but don't think a good swing instantly makes a great player. There are many skills to learn when playing any game, and golf is no different.

Can Anyone Learn to Swing a Golf Club

If you've been on a driving range, you have to agree that it's a pretty interesting fun to look at all the different methods that people use to move the golf ball. You've seen the lapping, the thrust, the scoop, and so on. It's fun at least and the worst excruciating, but entertaining nonetheless. Have you ever wondered why people swing the club the way they do? Do they imitate a tour professional or do they invent on the move? The answer is that they do what they think is right. This is not just a feature of golfers; it is a characteristic of anyone trying to learn a new skill. Boxing, grass mowing, baseball, hammering, whatever skill, there are different ways to do it. As we watch people hit balls at the range, can we conclude that there are many different ways to skin one cat and that one method is no better than the other? Yes and no; as long as the method used allows you to effectively move the golf ball from point A to point B, then yes. If you can constantly move your golf ball as you have predetermined, then you are playing golf and your swing is OK. However, if the method you use is inconsistent, unpredictable and limited, then no, your swing is not as good as it could be, or should be.

So how do you know if your swing is OK? If you eat with a knife and fork and carry food to your mouth in appropriate pieces, assuming there is no bodily injury, then you probably use the kitchen utensils correctly. I know, I've seen it too, the person holding his fork like a bike handle, but the food is consumed, and these people don't lose weight, so they know how to handle a fork. The same goes for golf; we have seen many different oscillations, with different looks, but they cannot be described as false if they produce the desired results. Thus, the determining factor for an effective swing and a bad swing can be reduced to results. Is the swing in question producing good results? It is a simple concept, but some may argue what is good results, and I must say that it is an individual thing. A beginner can consider his swing as a success if he manages to get the ball off the ground. An expert would only consider his swing sound if he can constantly and custom move his shot as he drew it in his mind. Hogan said he hit only about three perfect shots per lap. Ben would move his ball to the hole; If the pin was left, he would draw the ball, starting it in the center of the green and pointing it toward the hole. Similarly, with a pin placement on the right side, Ben would melt the ball into the pin's location, starting the ball in the center of the green and bending it toward the hole. If Ben decided to melt a ball in a right-hand hole position and the ball ended in the middle of the green, he would consider it a missed shot.

You are not Ben Hogan, but a good golf swing for the average player, must accomplish some basic requirements:

· The swing should allow the player to hit the ball first and rinse it, i.e. the ball and then the ground.

· Swing should allow the player to produce an adequate distance.

· The swing should allow the player to adjust and control the trajectory and rotation.

Some of you may want to add to that list and feel free to do so, but I think these three elements are the basic criteria for good swing. If you can do these things, you can play golf. Before I move on to how to accomplish these basics, I must point out that if you can't do these things, it doesn't necessarily mean that your swing is incorrect, it may mean that you haven't mastered the skills yet. Remember that golf is a sporting action that requires a certain timing and athletic ability. Throwing a football is an athletic action that most of us can do, but as an athletic movement, it can only really be mastered by a great athlete. Golf is like that too; only great athletes can hope to be the best players. But unlike football kickers, average golfers can become pretty good and compete at very high levels. Remember that golf is an athletic movement and that much of our golf failure can be due to poor athleticism.


That being said, golf is not a high jump; an average person should be able to average 80 around a golf course by 72 with few problems and a healthy swing. Before I write to me and tell me that you know people with good swings who can't break 80, I'll tell you that there's more to golf than good swing. Most talented players, who can't score, don't score well because they don't know how to play golf. In case you don't listen; swinging the club is not playing golf, it's an element of golf. So what is the first fundamental element of golf swing? The first fundamental element of golf swing is to understand how to use the golf tool. Remember the range of golf and the people who make their way to bad golf? These people scoop, because the golf club seems to be made for scoop. In reality, the club looks like a big spoon. The club designed a loft in the head to lift the ball in the air, right? So the rookie thinks he needs to get under the ball. In reality, however, the golf club is a little more dynamic than it seems. In fact, the golf club is a pretty ingenious conception of physics. The club is designed for the user to use with a single force; tangential force! I know you've all heard that golf swing is a matter of centrifugal strength and so on, blah, blah, blah. Well, I'm not a physicist, but I studied physics at school and I know that centrifugal force is an imaginary force. what? Yes, you have heard me, there is no such physical force.

Look, centrifugal strength is an idea, a concept to explain appearances, not a real force! So since we have clarified this, we can reject the idea of applying non-existent force to the golf ball. I mention it only because the idea of centrifugal force actually puts in our mind the image of a club flying in a circle and simply taking the golf ball down and lifting it in its path. If this is your image of golf swing, I recommend you rethink golf swing. The head of the club does not draw a circle; in fact the head really does not draw any geometric shape, but if we press it I would say it draws a bit of an ellipse. Now, please, don't think I'm saying crushed circles or circles to be smart pants. These concepts are very important for visual learners. Some people can do anything they can visualize; these people must be aware that the golf club does not turn in a circle, being constantly pulled outwards. First and most importantly, that's not what's happening, and second, it's not the image you want in your mind. Remember, if centrifugal force was a real force, and you really tipped the club in a centrifugal way, then if the head of the club flew during your swing (based on centrifugal force), it would fly directly away from you. For example, if it were to fly just at the time of impact, it would fly directly into the ground. Now anyone who has ever stolen a club head on impact knows that it doesn't matter, in fact it flies in front of you, along the target line. Why is he doing this? It does so because the force you apply to the golf ball is a tangential force and not a centrifugal force. Simply putting an object traveling in an arc will leave the bow on a tangent line to the bow. This means that the tangential force will move the ball, or the head of the club if it flies away, directly on your playing line. So it took me a while to get there, but what it means to you is that you just have to apply a tangential force to the ball, that is, hit it flat in the back and the ball will move forward. Your job is to apply that forward momentum to the ball. The job of the clubs is to apply the trajectory and turn the ball.


If you don't learn anything else from this article, be aware that the golf club is designed so that you only need to apply that strength. You move the ball forward; The golf club will do the rest. That's why you have a choice of 14 clubs; sometimes you want the ball to go higher, sometimes lower. The club will take care of the trajectory, the effects and the distance; all you do is apply force. For the most part, on full strokes, you apply the same force for a conductor as for a seven-iron. They travel different distances and follow different trajectories, but you have done nothing, but apply the same force to the back of the ball. That leads us to hit the ball to the ground. To fly the right ball, you must touch the ball directly to the back of the ball, usually near the equator of the ball. If you think about your golf clubs, you will notice that when you putter, the putter will touch the ball directly on the equator. If you hit it below the equator, the ball will go up into the air and if you hit over the equator, you will pinch it against the ground and it may jump a little. If you've read putting books, you may have learned to press your putter forward (i.e. by tilting the handle of your putter forward from the blade and ball). The reason some teach this is because putters like all clubs have a loft and if you sow your putter with your hands directly in line with the ball and the head of the putter, you will hit the ball slightly below the equator and the ball will smooth in the air. Keep in mind that the putter was designed to do just that, lightly hit the ball in the air and then roll. Some teachers don't like this effect on smooth greens, so they advise pushing forward with your hands; this removes the loft from the putter, allowing your shot to catch the ball directly at the back, on the equator.

When you catch the ball directly at the back, you give maximum momentum forward. That's true for putting and it's true with every club in the bag, so if you know your goal is to hit the ball in the back, and you know that with the club perfectly sown with your hands aligned with the ball, you touch the ball under the equator. Your objective with most clubs is to apply maximum force to the ball, so you should contact the equator, if you touch under the equator, your shot will fly higher and shorter than you like. Therefore, it makes sense that on impact, your hands and the end of the club's grip must drive the club's head beyond the ball. Don't forget to contact the equator of the ball with the sweet spot of the club the loft must be lowered! Meaning hands forward with a downward blow.


Now that you know where to hit the ball for a perfect right shot, it shouldn't be too hard to know how to hit higher or lower shots. For a perfect straight, each club must lean forward on impact; in fact a wedge will lean over a seven, which will lean forward more than a driver, but the hands will never be behind the head of the club. If you ever get a chance to see yourself in front of the camera, take a look at your hands on impact. Compared to the ball and the head of the club, your hands should be slightly forward. If they point to the buckle of your belt, or worse, you don't have an effective swing and you can't play golf consistently. If your hands are ahead, your swing can produce solid contact and maximum distance. For those of you who do not enter this position, you must learn to do so. Now it's a problem, because to swing properly down and through, a golfer must produce an adequate shift and pivot in his swing. And quite frankly, these are athletic movements. You've heard that golf swing is the marriage of arm swing and body circums of the road. Unfortunately, it is true; I know you were hoping to hear otherwise. The good news is that it is not very difficult to accomplish this movement to some extent. The bad news is that if you can't turn the golf ball, you can't properly compress the golf ball and take your divot to the pro side (front) of the ball. I mention the divot, because if your divots start or just after the ball, chances are you hit the back of the ball correctly.

So look to see where your divots appear, you have to move them forward to play golf consistently. So you need to shift and you have to turn through the ball so that your swing systematically hits the ball at the back. Lag is simply a term that defines the angle you have between your head arm and the club handle going down to the ball. At some point, this angle will reach 180 degrees. Remember that at the top of the swing, you want 90 degrees and you swing down, this angle increases until after impact, then it resets into the track. The reason you want to keep some of that lag (i.e. have an impact on the ball before your angle reaches 180) is that your club head swings in front of the ball, not behind. This movement will ensure that you touch the ball directly in the back. But this movement is not done in a bubble; If you swing your arms and don't clear your body, you can't hold on to that angle. In fact, if you hold a slight pressure in your low hand (right for right-handers) and you gently turn your shots with your body, you will create the lag you need. It's really pretty easy and can be accomplished by any coordinated person. You can also preset this gentle turn through the ball by playing with an open position. There are many methods; you'll find out what works for you.

The killer of a good swing is the typing impulse. Remember the range and the choppers we saw? The striking instinct is golf's most powerful natural force. Remember when I talked about the myth of centrifugal force? Any golf physicist will check the strength of the blow instinct, this force is not imaginary, but it can be overcome, perhaps. You can't get behind in your swing if you hit the ball. Just hitting will release the angle you've stored at the top of the swing; You need to release your grip (especially in the dragging hand) and gently rotate your body through the ball and into the swing crossing. Only until you develop effortless power will you be able to play the game well. If you hit the ball, you will produce a helpless effort. A powerful and emotional swing comes from good contact with the ball, from a club traveling on the right path. If you can hit the ball in the back consistently, you can control the curve and trajectory of the ball. And if you can control the ball effectively, you have a good swing.

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