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Nine Ways to Improve Your Golf Swing and Bring Down That Handicap

 Nine Ways to Improve Your Golf Swing and Bring Down That Handicap

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Nine Ways to Improve Your Golf Swing and Bring Down That Handicap :

Every golfer, whether high or low handicap, wants to improve his game and the secret of improvement lies in golf swing. We are all individuals and as such we are of all shapes and sizes. However, to get that perfect golf swing and send the golf ball off, we need to exploit our individual physical characteristics and make sure that at the time of impact, the club's head crosses the practice line and hits the square of the golf ball. . Here are nine ways your golf swing can be refined to help reduce this handicap.

Nine Ways to Improve Your Golf Swing and Bring Down That Handicap

  1. Before you start swinging golf, the first essential element is to keep your head still and look at the golf ball directly. Many things are written and taught about the position of the address in relation to the ball but the position of the head is paramount. It should be perpendicular to your spine with the head slightly raised so that the left shoulder fits under the chin when you start backswing. You will not be able to perform a proper golf swing with your chin tucked into your chest.
  2. Practice directing the golf ball, feet properly positioned, right back and head slightly raised while looking at the ball. Practice a dozen times, your backswing and downswing without hitting the ball or following through, while keeping your head still. Rest, relax, and then repeat the exercise. A repetitive workout will condition your body to automatically adopt the right posture every time you prepare to start your golf swing.
  3. Relaxation is another important help to perfect your golf swing. Relaxation is not easy when you are trying to propel the golf ball onto the fairway. If, however, you relax your muscles when you address the ball, your golf swing will be even softer and therefore the contact with the golf ball will be all the softer.
  4. Whatever the quality of your address, it is always important to understand the effect of hitting the golf ball with the club you have chosen. There are 4 main factors that affect your golf swing and it is essential to know how to combine them to produce a good swing.The first factor is the angle at which the face of the club touches the ball. A square on the stroke will propel the golf ball, without rotation, directly on the fairway. Anything that is not square will turn the ball and make it hang or slice.
  5. Second, the vertical angle of the club's head to the ball will affect the height of the flight path. Anything other than 90 degrees relative to the horizontal will make the golf ball fly high or stay low; in any case, the result will be a loss of distance.
  6. Every golf club has a so-called sweet spot. This is the optimal point on the head of the club that gives the driving accuracy and distance. The size of the sweet spot varies according to the manufacturers of golf clubs and, of course, the larger the sweet spot, the easier it is to hit the golf ball well. The main point here, however, is to make sure that at the address you line up the ball with the center of the ideal area.
  7. The next important factor is the speed of your golf swing when the club hits the ball. Speed is equal to power, but it doesn't just depend on the strength of the body. Flexibility, timing and upper body movement during the descent play a big role in the successful hitting of the golf ball. Don't just rely on your shoulders and arms; accuracy and distance don't come that way.
  8. After the last point, it becomes clear that to gain flexibility in your golf swing, it is necessary to have more control over your body and a simple exercise regimen must be followed to get that control. The more control you have over your muscles allows you more relaxation and confidence during golf swing, which leads to more control over your mind. We all know that golf is a game that is played in the spirit. A simple golf-specific weight training will allow you to strengthen your muscles and improve your functional strength and automatically gain more control and balance. We are not talking here about becoming the next Arnie Schwarzenegger; just a tone to improve your overall well-being which in turn will greatly help your golf.
  9. If you are able to undergo a simple weight training specific to golf, the main advantage will be found in your golf swing exercise when you approach the golf ball. To perform a good golf swing exercise, you start by swinging the golf club as far as your body. Allows. Of course, the older you are, the less flexible you become and you won't be able to reach the backward swing of your youth. After reaching your maximum rear swing, the drill moves downwards. Start this by easily transferring your weight from the back to the front foot when you swing the club with your hips, legs, and then your knees all forward. The ideal golf swing is complemented by the body weight outside the front heel and the front of the back foot If you perform a simple golf-specific weight training, as indicated in the previous board, your body will be better prepared to perform the perfect golf swing exercise.
You hear a lot about the speed of the club and its importance in making these long journeys. Many of us are guilty of trying to hit the lid of the golf ball. You feel a lot of satisfaction when you do, which at first can seem like a great strike. Then a few seconds later, we look up with dismay to see the golf ball suddenly turn left or right.

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