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The Beginning Of Golf :

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The Beginning Of Golf:

The Beginning Of Golf
 When you play the big game of golf, your golf scores become both your best friends and your worst enemies. Many players live according to their golf scores and judge their progress based on what the scorecard says. While you may think that your golf scores are the best indicator of your evolution as a golfer, this is not necessarily the case.

          The way golf scores are counted can mean so many things. Just because you shoot an 8 on a par 4 doesn't mean you're a bad golfer. This may mean that you've had a bad drive and a poorly targeted chip - but that doesn't make you a bad golfer. So don't put too much stock into what the dashboard says. Judge your golf game based on the way you play rather than your scores.

          Golf scores are only meant to help you keep track of the moves you make to go from tee box to hole. They never consider things such as hazards, weather or anxiety. Of course, you can't track your progress without paying attention to your golf scores, but you still need to keep in mind that there are a million variables that can cause your score to fluctuate.
Sure, if you're a golfer, you know all the terminology - birdie, eagle, bogey, double eagle (if you're really lucky) - but the true story of golf scores lies in how you played on the course and walked the course. Hole. Instead of keeping track of the scores, why not keep track of where you were for a particular shot and how did that shot come out?

         Let's say you do a horrible workout on a par 4 and you only find yourself 100 meters from the tee. Hopefully it's past the women's T-shirt - if you know what I mean! So now you're facing a long fairway shot. You take your favorite club and slam a beautiful flyer directly on the green. Who's going to say it wasn't a good shot of golf? You end up with a par on the hole, but your score doesn't really reflect that incredible shot, does it?

         The fact is not to put too much emphasis on the number of moves on your scorecard. Think of your golf score as a reflection of the incredible moves you've made and the flubbers you've had to go through. Then you can find out what kind of golfer you are and not have to live solely by the golf score.

         However, Scots are generally adamant that golf was a Scottish invention on the St. Andrews golf course. The name "golf" is a derivative of the Dutch word "kolf" however, to find out who really invented the game, we say who really cares!

        It doesn't matter who actually invented the game, but what matters is how golf's history has evolved over the years. The golf courses have not always had eighteen holes. St. Andrews began with eleven holes dictated by the topography of the course on which the course was located. The players would play all 11 holes and then return for a total of 22 holes. Later, several of the holes were deemed too short and were combined with each other. This reduced the number from 11 to 9, so a full round of golf consisted of 18 holes.
         By 1744, golf had become very popular. So much so that a group of men called Gentlemen Golfers decided that a set of rules should be established for fair play. They have compiled a list of thirteen guidelines for playing the game.

         Major changes since the 19th century have occurred in the equipment needed to play. Better mowers made greens easier to play. The designs of the golf balls would evolve using rubber and artificial materials that allowed the ball to fly longer on a drive. The wooden golf tee would make driving easier.

         No discussion of golf history would be complete, let alone the progress made in golf clubs. Metal trees were born in the 1930s and most of the conductors were made of wood, which is why they are called wood today, even though they are most often made of metal or titanium today. The design of the golf handle has also been oriented towards graphite which is lighter and facilitates the swing of the club.

         Referring to the history of golf, we can debate exactly the origin of the game, but the game of golf as we know it today, is most certainly born in Scotland. Even if we are wrong, we still have this wonderful game - and most of us are very happy about it!

Golf course

         The game of golf is played on a golf course - obviously. But have you ever thought about what happens to make a good golf course? I mean, what makes a good golf course, and what makes a bad golf course? Although we don't have the space to go through specific design arrangements, we can address some of the aspects of a golf course that make it fun to play but also challenging.

        Like the miniature golf course, a regular golf course should be fun. You really can't add fun windmills or other hazards on an ordinary golf course, but you can use the natural elements of the course to help create challenges in the course.
Obviously, the first thing you'll need is the land. I mean, you're going to need a LOT of land! The golf course must have long film holes as well as shorter film holes. However, most golfers will agree that having mainly longer holes is a great challenge. But they also need these courts by 3 for a little help!

         The challengers on the golf courses are numerous especially when you have several sand bunkers. Bunkers are now placed on the fairways as well as around the bunkers, causing more headaches for golfers! Having to get out of the sand allows for all kinds of blow changes, and golfers love to take on the challenge!

The Beginning Of Golf

         The challengers on the golf courses are numerous, as are the dreaded water dangers. Rivers and lakes in their natural environment are found everywhere on the golf course. and man-made water barriers are dug and then filled with water on large areas! Water obstacles require a player to use finesse to avoid them and make a golf course fun to navigate.

         The golf course we play most often was a cow pasture. The hills that used to have Holstein instead of golf carts make this golf course very fun to try and "go up and down". The hills roll the golf ball - you have to guess here -! You think you have a good workout and you may have it, but when your ball lands on the side of a hill, two things will happen, either it will stop with a harder blow or it will continue on the side of the hill. Anyway, it's another way to make a golf course difficult.

         Trees and natural woods are also part of the golf course environment. When you hear the sound of your ball hitting a tree on the golf course, there is no sound worse. Then you have the fun task of trying to find out where the ball landed. Did he go further or did the tree push him into the fairway? You have a great way to challenge yourself against the natural elements.

        The pleasure of designing a golf course is shared by players and designers. Soak up the natural elements of your favorite golf course, then navigate through these dangers with a positive attitude. Then you'll have fun!

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