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How to Integrate Weight Training Properly into Your Golf Exercise Program

 How to Integrate Weight Training Properly into Your Golf Exercise Program :

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 How to Integrate Weight Training Properly into Your Golf Exercise Program :

best exercises to improve golf game :

Are you too confused about bodybuilding for golf?
There are many opinions in the golf world on whether bodybuilding is beneficial or counterproductive to golf swing
On the PGA Tour, it is well known that the majority of professional golfers implement golf fitness exercises in their training program. The purpose of these golf fitness exercises is to improve their game on the golf course.

best exercises to improve golf game

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First of all, as a professional strength and fitness coach on the PGA Tour, I see that the benefits of a golf-specific exercise program are well documented.
The confusion for most amateur golfers is probably centered on the specific training and exercises they should include in their fitness programs and what professional golfers do.
I get a lot of questions about the implementation of professional golfer programs, the specific exercises they incorporate into their programs and the exercises of those programs similar to those found in local health clubs. Many people ask me if they should include dumbbell and dumbbell exercises in their golf exercise program.
The purpose of this article is to provide you with information about the components, modalities and exercises that compromise a good golf fitness program.
I will also provide you with a breakdown and a sequence of a good golf fitness program.
First of all, I need to define some terms to help you understand the basic goals of a golf program. The main goal of a golf fitness program should be to improve your golf game through the development of your physical body. For you to achieve this goal, the golf exercises in your program must develop the body in relation to the golf swing.

At this point, I have to explain a few things about the biomechanics of golf swing. Golf swing is a total sporting activity of the body. This means that the whole body is used to swing the golf club. Just like in baseball, you don't just throw with yourself, but with your whole body. The same is true of golf swing; you swing the golf club with your whole body. This in the world of strength and conditioning is defined as an 'integrated athletic action of the whole body'.
Golf swing is easily defined as an athletic action incorporating the whole body to perform. Knowing this point, a golf fitness program must incorporate exercises for the whole body. A term we like to call "integration." Integration is the use of exercises that integrate the whole body. For example, golf swing incorporates a rotational movement of the trunk (abdominal, lower back, hips and oblique). A golf-specific integrated exercise incorporating all these muscles would be a Russian physioball twist in which all these muscles work according to a rotational pattern.
It is very different to isolate each muscle from the trunk and train them separately with insulation exercises such as abdominal cracks. The point to make is; integrate the muscles of the body rather than isolate each muscle in a golf fitness program.

Second, exercises in a golf fitness program must be "specific" to the anatomical positions, movement patterns and energy needs of golf swing. In simple terms, this means training your body with exercises that place your body in the position where you perform golf swing, use exercises that move your body through the motion ranges of golf swing and develop the energy needs needed for golf.
For example, a golf swing is performed in an "athletic position" standing. Knowing this fact, it would probably be more advantageous to perform a physio-ball squat rather than a sitting leg extension for golf swing, why? Because the physio-ball squat places your body in a position similar to a position in which the golf swing is executed. A leg extension insulates the quadriceps in a sitting position, which does not drag the body into an integrated movement pattern, nor in a position similar to golf swing.
Cross-cutting training results in a "training effect transfer" to the golf swing. It simply means that the exercises you perform directly affect your golf swing in a positive way. One of the goals of a golf fitness program is to make the most of each of your exercises.
If you keep in mind these two principles of integration and cross-specificity when developing your golf program. The choices made in the selection of exercises will undoubtedly be better for your golf swing.

Once these basic principles are understood, you can begin the process of developing a golf fitness program. A golf fitness program consists of a series of modules. The modules are essentially different elements of the program aimed at developing a specific improvement in the body. Overall, the separate modules together form a golf fitness program. For example, flexibility training is a module that is contained in a golf fitness program. The goal of the flexibility module is to develop the flexibility parameters in the body required for golf swing. Below, in a sequential order with a brief definition, modules that include a complete golf fitness program.

1. Flexibility training: exercises to develop the flexibility of the body necessary for golf swing.

2. Balance Training: Ways to improve your balance ability in relation to golf swing.

3. Joint Integrity Training: Exercises to develop the strength and endurance of the body's joints. Exercises based on injury prevention for the shoulders, hips and knees.

4. Basic training: Exercises to develop the stabilization, strength and endurance required in the central region of the body for golf swing. Uses a variety of modalities and equipment such as physiological balloons, medicinal balloons, tubes and dumbbells.

5. Total body training: integrated strength, endurance and total body strength training exercises. Designed to develop the strength, endurance and power needed in the body in a cross-sectional way compared to golf swing.

The most important principle to remember in relation to modules including a golf fitness program are the goals of each module and order.
The order of training is of the utmost importance with a golf fitness program.
Often, the golfer will try to develop the power of his muscles before reaching the level of flexibility required by the demanding golf swing.
If you train this way, you will probably develop power in the body, but you probably won't be able to use it effectively.
For example, if you develop a greater amount of power in the central area of the body, but you don't have the flexibility to run a full shoulder trick. Your body's ability to use your increased power will be far from optimal. I cannot stress too much about you, keep the coherent training order as I explained above.
Finally, the number of exercise choices you have in terms of flexibility, balance, joint integrity, basic training and total body exercise for golf swing is too large to count.
There are also many types of equipment that you can use for each element of your golf exercise program.

You can use stretch cords, tubes, medicinal balloons, dumbbells and all other types of equipment as part of a golf program. The points to keep in mind when choosing the actual exercises for your program are:

1) Do exercises drag the body into the anatomical positions of golf swing?

2) Do the exercises take the body through the ranges of motion involved in golf swing?

3) Do exercises develop the energy requirements for golf swing?

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